Create the perfect shopping wishlist for every occasion with Giftry, the ultimate wish list app that makes shopping for the best gifts easy and practical!Shop online and add gift ideas from any store to your wish list the moment you see them! Create and exchange gift ideas, share your wishlist with friends and family and mark gifts as purchased so others won't buy the same thing. Get gifts that you want, and give gifts that your friends and family will love!
Giftry is the universal wishlist app for all of your mobile shopping necessities.
Giftry Features:
Wish List App with Items from Anywhere:• Customize your wish list by using a URL to add gift ideas from the web• Update wish lists and shop online. Scan barcodes to go directly to the product page• Your wish list brings together items from all of your favorite sites• Wish list that you can personalize with your gift suggestions
Gift Ideas That You Can Share on Your Wishlist:• Gift wishlist can be easily shared with friends and family• Use this wishlist app to give gifts without making the awkward "what do you want?" phone calls• Wishlist gifts can be marked as purchased, so two people don’t buy the same thing• Wishlist details can be edited, so your friends know what to buy for the perfect gift
Buy Perfect Gifts Every Time Thanks to the Wish List:• Use the wish list to get the perfect gift for your friends and family.• Get gifts with Giftry’s wish list app assistance. Don't worry, we won't spoil the surprise!• Buy gifts based on your friend’s wishlist or wedding registry.
Get Gifts that You Want for Your Birthday and Christmas:• Christmas wishlist can be seen by your friends and family.• Wishlist reminders save your birthday and anniversary dates so no one forgets.• Wishlist additions include a reminder of vanity url to share with friends and family outside of the Giftry wish list app.
Shopping wish list that are all found in one place:• Amazon wish list can be added to make your online shopping experience easier.• Wish list you make can be reserved and accessed for special occasions.• Add gift ideas from Safari by using the Giftry wish list app extension.
Shop from Gifts that Other Users Love:• Shop by gifts that other users have added to their wish lists.
Our goal at Giftry is to turn gift-giving opportunities into friendship building experiences. Always get your loved ones exactly what they want! Download Giftry today and make your online shopping easier for every occasion!